Troy Polamalu is a stud, there is no denying it...but....
I'll say it - not to upset people, but just because. Seahawks - 27 Steelers - 24 Expect a big game from Bobby Engram. He's an ex-Bear. And my boy.All steelers fans think the game is as good as won. Confidence is not cockiness. The city has just become to darn cocky. They should win - they are favored to win - but I think this is the year of the Seahawk. We'll find out - I am bold enough to state my honest opinion of how the game will end.Actually, to be honest, I am still hoping for a miracle that involves the Chicago Bears coming in and steeling the Lombardi trophy, but I'm not sure if that's gonna happen or not. One can only hope...Blitz Big Ben, and he won't be able to handle it. Expect the 'hawks to come with the Pressure. The question is, will Big Ben be able to handle it, or hang is head? If this season is at all an indication, sources would point to surrender. BE ready Tommy - you never know...

You won't handle the blitzes Big Ben, so hang your head...Maybe next year you'll get that one for the thumb - Lets go Buccos!!! (I do love the buccos - but it is the year of the CUB!)

your an idiot... ps steelers crushed the bears and because of that you owe me cheesecake factory... SORRY NEIL... YOU LOSE, I WIN!
ninest123 16.01
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