So...Last night I was at the pharmacist, and I was waiting a while. SO, I was of course conversing with everyone in sight. The pharmacist had accidentally given me the wrong fax number, as I had been waiting for an insurance fax for about 30 minutes. we got a laugh, and she was finally filling the prescription about 2 hours after I got there, and this lady with her 2-3 year-old in a shopping cart came up and stood beside me. All of the sudden the kid poi

nts at me and starts yelling...not saying, yelling. "Daddy! Daddy! DADDY!" I look at the kid, then look at the pharmacist, and say "Gee, this can't be good." She started cracking up. Then the mother said to the son - "HOney your daddy has blonde hair and blue eyes." I mean, I can't wait to have kids, but on my own time! I don't want somebody else's son! Moral of the story....now there is some guy out there with blonde hair and blue eyes who wants to beat my face in. Probably looks like this guy here on the right.

Oh yea...and I am trying to see how many 16 oz. cups of water I can drink today before 5. The over/under is 11. Any takers? I'll let you know how it goes.
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