The car, the Hummer and the Jr Bacon Cheeseburger

So...if you know me you know that, well, I'm kind of an idiot. So here's a nice little story for you...
Yesterday, My boss, Dan Hoey, who is the man, asked me to drop off the biggest bottle of Wine I've ever seen off at a house - it was purchased at a charity auction. So I said "Sure! I'll do it on my way home." Of course it started snowing like crazy that afternoon...messing up the roads and everything. I get to the house, no problem(it's a HUGE house by the way...not surprisngly...I mean this was a BIG bottle of wine!), and leave my car running and run up to the front door. I have a 2 minute small talk conversation with my guy, run back to the car, and get, wait. The door is locked. If you know me, you know that I NEVER lock my car, so this was ridiculous...I must have hit the lock button with the HUGE box or something. there I the middle of nowhere, at a huge rich man's house, whom I have never met before this day, in blizzard-like conditions(My cell phone, of course, was

On a lighter note, today I was driving down Blackburn Road to I-79 as I do everyday for work. The roads were a bit icy, so I was going the speed limit instead of 50 over. I was followed by a

So I'm gonna keep that hummer right there in the rearview mirror, and not forget it's there.
ninest123 16.01
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