Being content
My boy Charles Stanley said a simple but great thing this morning on the "In Touch" I listen to everyday. Thinking about the times I spend worrying about people - I love people and have a passion to know people - I started thinking about times when brothers and sister all failing. When

Stanley made it clear and it makes sense - referring to a story of Paul's journeys through his discipleship. When I am broken before God, this is one of the best places to be. Why? Because I'm learning something - even if it is hurting me. Here is the point. God often tries to teach us things through pain and suffering. If somebody is screwing up, or sinning, and it is causing them pain, maybe God is trying to teach that person something in that situation. So why get in the way of what God is doing? Sometimes people need to hurt to get God's message across. We have to accept this and not get in the way of God's work, otherwise we will just become stumbling blocks, and can often get hurt in the process. Prayer should always be the first option. But we must understand that we are NOT God, and it is not our job to fix problems - that's what he loves to do!
ANYWAYS... Love.
Last night I performed a typical "Neil" ritual and worked out, showered, ate, and threw on a romantic Comedy..."Love, Actually..." (with another pretty girl, Keira Knightley[from Pirates of the Caribbea

"Worrying is like a rocking chair. It takes you back and forth, but gets you nowhere."
We are supposed to be content in every situation we are in. The great passage from Phillipians 4:11-13 says:
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Paul - that crazy cat - he really knew what he was talking about. Just be content. I am single right now, making a little bit of money, and studying things I should be studying, and I am loving it and want to be doing that right now. Last year I was in college and was playing soccer and loved and wanted to be doing that. 3 years ago I was working and was NOT content with doing that, and I wasn't happy as a result of it. I may not always love what I am doing, but I will try to be content and understand that I can do everything through him who gives me strength. I know we hear this verse ALL the time, but we should look at its context and what it really means. Be content.
This picture is my favorite scene from the movie...when the writer proposes to the Portugese woman while she waits on tables...and the sister, who is overweight, is told by her father in Portugese..."Shut up, Mrs. Dunkin' Donuts 2003!"

Okay, I love Top Gun, Rocky, and NFL football...just so I don't get any crap for this.
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