Fortune Cookie
So Monday night, for the season finale of 24, I ordered some take=out I used to do when I was in college all of the time. So the 2 of them mix very well. Anyways, After eating my Sesame chicken, I reached into the bag and pulled out a fortune cookie. Then I looked at the fortune:

"You're intelligence is noticed by many people"
And I found myself saying...
"Yea! Ya know, I've always thought that!"
Then I realized I ALWAYS freaking say that. Really! I mean don't you ALWAYS think the fortunes will come true or are true? I can't lie, I've even went as far to put the fortune in my pocket and carry it around when it says "You'll find a new love" or some crap like that. And this is WITHOUT doing the ever-so-popular adding of the words "in bed" after the fortune!
So I raise this question...Why does Superstition always intrigue us? Why do we not step on cracks, put a dollar bill in our sock when we play a soccer game(yea i did this for a while), not walk under a ladder, break a mirror, or pick up a penny that isn't Heads up?
And Why do I always put myself in a position when I read a fortune cookie that makes it true??
have a great day!
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