Valentine's Day and Saving $$

Ahhh...The big day...where couples can express their affection for each other, and those who aren't in relationships can show people that they care. First off - NO i don't have a valentine which may be why I'm writing this to begin with...but whatever. I for one, and this will be surprising to ANYBODY who knows me, am not a very big fan of Valentine's day. It is in the same category as New Year's Eve - it's a marketing Holiday. I don't thing Girl's get flattered even if they act it by getting things O

I am a sap, and you would not BELIEVE some of the things I have done for girls, so don't think I'm not willing to do things for people - I would put myself up there with all the classic romantics...I watch chickflicks all the time and own a copy of the complete works of William Shakespeare for crying out loud!
And yes, I am a single Christian man. In fact I am a single GODLY man, or at least I'm striving to be. And I'm happy. Sitting around my office today, seeing my co-workers plan out their even

"Well, I'm going to save a couple hundred bucks."
So, until I am able to take a girl out for Valentine's day, I'll spend my time showing my affection for God for some time this evening - and I'll enjoy that. For everybody else, good for you! I love seeing people doing things for each other - the same way I love seeing people allowing God to work through them. Valentine's day is about giving - we should be giving all the time, and not just to those we are in love with. So when I see all that love being swirled around, yes - its good to see.

I get lonely at times, and I'll probably get lonely sometime tonight. And I'll watch the "Date Night" movies on TBS and I'll be happy again. Man I'm a freaking woman i'm done talking. I'm a freakin' manly man. The cubs start soon! YEAA!! can't wait to watch a game of baseball and eat chili dogs and lift weights, (deep Voice, Home Improvement style) WA HA HA.
I wish for things at times - I think of the future at times. But I live in the present. This morning I prayed for today. Tomorrow I'll pray for tomorrow, and The next day I'll pray for that day. May I be open to doing the things I should be doing today - may I be open to doing the things I should be doing right now. May I do those things right now.
So before you become obsessed and mesmorized by "that special one"(and yes I want this too of course) read these song lyrics...and imagine God saying every one of these words to you. He wants us to need him. So need Him first. Pay attention to the last Stanza
"I want to be the face you see when you close your eyes
I want to be the touch you need every single night
I want to be your fantasyAnd be your reality
And everything between
I want you to need me
Like the air you breathe
I want you to feel me
In everything
I want you to see me
In your every dream
The way that I taste you feel you breathe you need you
I want you to need me
Like I need you
I want to be the eyes that look deep into your soul
I want to be the world to you
I just want it all
I want to be your deepest kiss
The answer to your every wish
I'm all you ever need
More than you could know
And I need you
To never never let me go
And I need to be deep inside your heart
I just want to be everywhere you are...."
- Celine Dion, I want you to need me
If we're not willing to be all of this to our creator, what makes us think we should or even can be any of these things to another human being?? We must first accept God's love, and make him our everything if we hope to love a wife the way we were meant to.

[Picture is called "the eye of God"]
oh, i thought you were going to write a love letter to another man...homo.
ninest123 16.01
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