Neil - Changes and Growth

Growing and Discerning...After the Heart of God

Monday, December 12, 2005

"Throw it away"

Read the post above this if you haven't yet(and care to)...this sort of builds on it.

I remember once reading an analogy of sin and repentence. God doesn't want us to "feel bad" about sin, he wants us to not sin. He made the analogy that every time we sin, the sin is written on a piece of paper and put in our back pocket. We will be judged for these sins, if we do not confess them. By confessing them, we are taking them out of our pocket and giving them to God. What does God do with these? He takes them, crumples them up, and throws them trash can in the corner of the room - I even like to think that Jesus is actually the one who does this and the Father doesn't even see these "pieces of paper,"(Although I do believe God is an "all-seeing God, and all though He may see sin, He does not see sin in us) because of the verse I quoted a few days ago that says (Col. 3:3):

"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."

When we confess, sin is GONE because of what Jesus did for us. God doesn't see us for the past (bad), he sees us for the present and the future(hopefully good!). The paper is thrown away, because Jesus is basically saying "That's my boy, now don't do it again" and erases it from His mind. He doesn't document it, he doesn't file it away to bring up later (which we often do with things) - he throws them away, and we should pray for our minds to do the same thing

We should never hold grudges and try to truly forgive things that have been done to us, and love people - this concept of love is something I'm ALWAYS learning more about and love to read about...I could talk for hours on the subject.

And remember...Jesus doesn't want us to be upset or regretful - he wants us to die to ourselves - and in order to do us, we must forgive ourselves for our past mistakes - if we can't forgive ourselves - why should God? and how can we forgive others?

So you screwed up; so what - guess what, you're probably gonna do it again. So crumple up that paper, and throw it away in the wastebasket; because God does - but this isn't an excuse to continue to fill up that wastebasket...